Did you know that 1 in 100 babies in the U.S. are born with a congenital heart defect? CHD's are the leading cause of infant death, and the #1 birth defect of live infants. The cause of most congenital heart defects are unknown, yet funding for research vastly lags behind childhood cancer and other genetic diseases.

Has your child been diagnosed with l-tga? I would love to talk with you. Please enjoy my blog and email me if you would like to join a network of parents of children with l-tga and other CHD's.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Home at last!!!

Nicholas leaving LPCH
Yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind....we were still in the CV-ICU until afternoon, when they informed us there were still no beds to transfer to upstairs.  So we were kind of in a waiting mode, not sure what was going to happen next.  Then before we knew it, they were getting us ready to DISCHARGE for good!  We left the hospital at dinner time, so by the time we stopped for a bite to eat and gased up the car, it was pretty late.  It was really nice to get home and sleep in our own beds.  Nicholas looks really good, for having just had open heart surgery a week ago.  I feel very grateful that everything went smoothly and we can get our family all home and start his healing together.

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