Did you know that 1 in 100 babies in the U.S. are born with a congenital heart defect? CHD's are the leading cause of infant death, and the #1 birth defect of live infants. The cause of most congenital heart defects are unknown, yet funding for research vastly lags behind childhood cancer and other genetic diseases.

Has your child been diagnosed with l-tga? I would love to talk with you. Please enjoy my blog and email me if you would like to join a network of parents of children with l-tga and other CHD's.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Intermediate ICU (late posts)

I have to apologize for not updating more as we were in the hospital those last few days.  I want to document Nicholas' progress for his own knowledge so he can read about it someday, but also to keep our friends and family in the loop, as it is difficult to stay in close touch with you all.  It also really helps me to write about what is happening...it makes it concrete. 

I am going to write about the last few days in the Intermediate ICU....

Nicholas hanging out with Mom

We got transferred upstairs to 3West (Intermediate ICU for cardiac patients) on Thursday afternoon.  Nicholas was in better spirits as each day passed.  He started joking around each time I tried to take a picture, closing his eyes.  This is one of about 15 that I took and each time he would close his eyes or cover them with his hands!

It was great to start having bits of my boy come back as he recovered.

On Friday, we started the day with another chest x-ray and rounds from the team.  Nicholas especially dislikes having tape removed from his skin, and this day he had to have his incision bandage removed and chest tube dressing changed.  He also had to have his "art-line" and his "I-J line" removed.  The I-J is this super long catheter-like device that goes several inches down in his jugular artery (intra-jugular).  Nicholas is terrified of seeing his own blood and he is afraid his skin will peel off with all the tape holding things in place.  I got really annoyed and protective of him when anyone comes in and starts ripping the tape off without preparing him and using adhesive desolver first.  His nurse tried to do the "faster is less pain" method and I had to stop her to make her do it the way he is more comfortable with.  Poor Nic...he hates all that tape.

Nicholas eating his favorite--
Chocolate donut!

On Saturday Nicholas was doing better and better.  He enjoyed his favorite, a chocolate donut that morning. 
Again, a chest x-ray and rounds with his team and everything looks great.  His LV has not shown any signs of stress and his gradient is consistent with the measurement in surgery. 

Nicholas resting soundly after his chest tube was removed

The doctor told us that as soon as his chest tube quit putting out 50 mL or less of fluid in one 24 hour period, we would be good to go home.  On Saturday morning his total for that last 24 hours was exactly 50mL, so the team started collecting other evidence that things were progressing well.  The doctor came in one minute, and next thing you know he is preparing to take out the chest tube!  I was in the shower at that time and Lorenzo rushed in and told me what was happening.  I rushed out and made them double-check that the time was right, because once the tube is out, we leave 24 hours later.  It was very stressful, but obvious once it was out that Nicholas was so much more comfortable! 
My happy boy, glad to leave and go home!

On Sunday Nicholas had another chest x-ray and everything looked great.  The team wanted to have one last echo to verify that the LV was still holding up and that there was no fluid accumulation since the chest tube came out.  Apparently everything looked good, because we were officially discharged at about 2pm on Sunday!

We made a quick stop at a local toy store and let Nicholas pick out anything he wanted.  He decided on a stegasaurus and a triceratops.  He loves dinosaurs and he deserved it!  What a strong little boy we have!  Looking at this picture here I am so glad my sweet boy still has a sparkle in his eyes and the most handsome smile! 

You'll notice the dressing on his neck...it is now Monday night and he still won't let us get near it.  I have had to bargain all of the tape removal with him.  He pinky promised me I can remove that and the one other last dressing from his chest tube removal tomorrow.  We'll see!

Nicholas with his "Beads of Courage"

Nic's "Beads of Courage"
Each bead represents a procedure he underwent.

1 comment:

  1. yes, Mr. Nicholas is one brave strong boy... Thanks so much for posting Ms. Brenna. I pray that all continues to go well. You are one strong family. Love ya, Cindy
